Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Project Motivational Math?
Project Motivational Math (PMM) is an acclaimed motivational mental math program designed to motivate children to excel in math. Motivation for the most part, has been the missing ingredient to learning. In that this program utilizes positive motivational techniques, its success transfers across all academic domains.

2. What are some of the key components in Motivational Math?

Some of the key components of Motivational Math include: Mental Math, Math Relay, Math Buzz, Place Value,  Math Jeopardy, Musical Numbers and the Fractions Game.

3. What is the” Walkers Method” for doing Mental Math?
Although there are many versions of Mental Math out there, Walker’s Method has MOTIVATION at it’s central core. This method adopts quick pace computations and mental word problems to capture the attention of students who have become accustomed to fast-paced television, video games and the Internet.

The Walker’s Method for Mental Math incorporates memorizing number crunches into the minds of classroom children making math fun and enjoyable. Walker’s Method strengthens the foundation that students need to learn higher-level mathematics. Walker’s Method incorporates the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division while introducing the practical math components students need for everyday life.

4. Can Project Motivational Math reach every child?

The founder Willie Walker’s motto is that “Every Child Can Learn” and that “Every Child is a Winner. While we cannot guarantee that we can reach every child we believe that we have methods in place to reach the majority of students even those with learning disabilities.

PMM has adopted many of the principles of “Multiple Intelligences” developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. What this means is that research has shown that people learn in a number of different ways. The main ones being: music, movement, social, visual, number logic, word logic, self-awareness and through nature. We take into account that each child is an “individual” who has his/her own learning style.

5. Does Project Motivational Math support the nation’s math curriculum?

PMM serves as a curriculum enrichment program designed to strengthen and reinforce the foundational math components taught in the classroom. PMM infuses basic math facts with motivational elements that encourage retention and the development of critical thinking skills. While this program is designed to help students learn math in ways not previously mastered in the classroom it in no way claims to replace the national benchmarks or the school-wide curriculum.

6. Why is motivation so important through the eyes of PMM?
Motivation is a key ingredient to learning. Not everyone is capable of inspiring children. Once you capture the heart of a child and you have gained their confidence, half the teaching battle is won. Now that they are excited they are ready to learn anything you place before them. PMM has ways of teaching motivation through fun and games and engaging the student.

7. How old must you be to perform Walker’s version of mental math?
Basically, their is no age criteria for students or adults. However, we require that you know your multiplication facts. Usually children in grades four through nine are flourishing with Walker’s version of mental math?

8. What about the order of operation?

Whenever you are performing Walker’s version of mental math, forget about the regular version of order of operation. (PEMDAS) Which stands for parenthesis, exponent, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction from left to right. Whatever operation you see or is heard first with Walker’s version, is what you solve initially, next and so on, in your head mentally.

9. What are parents saying about this unique method?

Some parents are astounded how quickly their children are learning how to calculate math facts in their head. Many parents are asking how they can become part of this learning style.

10. How will this method actually help my child on a test?
Students who actually spend time studying the program, learn many short cuts to help them calculate faster. They will be able to speed up the process on quizzes, tests, and other forms of assessments. Also, you will be able to impress your friends with calculating numbers in your head without a pencil or a calculator. Can you imagine going shopping and you know almost the cost of every item that you have purchased before it is rung up by the cashier?

11. When will you have the next regional or national mental math bee?

Please frequent this website and we will post when our next regional and district mental math bee will take place, where it will be and the guidelines. We are tentatively looking at March 13, 2022 in Orangeburg, South Carolina at the camp ground of South Atlanta Conference of SDA for our next math bee.

12. Is it possible for Mr. Math to come to our school or district and perform a workshop with our teachers or a math rally with our students?
Mr. Walker, “aka” Mr. Math travels the country performing workshops with teachers and classroom demonstration with students. He is also available to come and perform a math rally at your school.

13. Where can I purchase Mr. Walker’s book entilted, “A Recipe for mental math and other products?
Please call our home office at 205-908-1414.